
Circular economy – Recycling old wood to reduce waste

2018/01/03 15:21
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A leading trend in the 21st century is the circular economy, which is not merely concerned with finance but more about ensuring we live in a sustainable world. A key aspect in the circular economy is recycling materials that were originally destined for the scrap heap and giving them a second life, ensuring that they continue to circulate within the manufacturing cycle.


The rise of the circular economy concept has helped facilitate the growth of businesses such as Taoyuan-based Shoeiyan Workshop (水顏木房), which uses pieces of seemingly useless wood that still bear scars accrued over time to produce eco-friendly and uniquely designed furniture. In today’s 21st century throwaway society, the concepts of environmental protection and circular economy are of paramount importance if humanity wishes to reverse a destructive trend. This being the case, looking for ways to secure a sustainable future, eliminate the wastage of natural resources, or better still, recycle and revamp materials to give them a new lease of life, are commendable undertakings deserving of our respect and study.


循環經濟是 21 世紀重要趨勢,不只關乎經濟,更作為環保的永續條件。循環經濟其中一項關鍵,在於將原本視為廢棄物的材料透過回收再生,作為二次物料,並且不斷在工業製造中重複使用。







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