
New tourist bus hits the streets to welcome 2018

2017/12/20 11:14
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With 2018 approaching, Taipei City Government launched a fleet of new brightly painted double-decker sightseeing buses onto the city streets. During December, the buses can be seen weaving through the bustling streets of Taipei City ready to greet 2018 together with the people.

Taipei City’s double-decker sightseeing buses were officially launched on January 18 of this year. Despite a great deal of controversy concerning their operation over the last ten months, passenger numbers have continued to rise nonetheless. Currently, the service is attracting close to 10,000 passengers each month, of which more than 60% are foreign tourists.

Divided into blue and red lines, the sightseeing service travels through many well-known attractions in Taipei including the North Gate, Presidential Office, and Taipei 101 on the Red Line, and Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and the National Palace Museum on the Blue Line. The provision of on-bus English and Chinese tour guides has also been a big hit with foreign tourists. Taipei’s first-rate transit system already affords tourists many convenient options for traveling around the city; however, the new double-decker sightseeing service provides a fresh vantage point from which to enjoy the city sights and offers various ticket types to accommodate the needs and plans of all tourists.









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