
Fashionable and leisurely fun with French boules

2017/12/12 14:05
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Dressed in high heels and a miniskirt, one can still engage in some leisurely exercise through the chic game of French boules. Originating in France, the game has over a hundred years of history and is played extensively across Europe and Southeast Asia.

The game of French boules requires tactics and strategy, with the hand-thrown steel balls skillfully hurled for attacks and defense. Attacks take the form of striking the wooden target bowl, or jack, to a further location, or knocking the closest bowl to the jack away from it. But in order to pull off such a move, one is first required to cultivate a real depth of competence in the game. 

Not only a simple and laid-back form of exercise that everyone can play regardless of age or physique, there's also next to no chance of picking up a sports’ injury. Though the game of French boules is taking off slowly in Taiwan, many players have already amassed a wealth of experience and will no doubt winning at competitions far and wide in the not so distant future.









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