
Toy Museum – Collecting cherished memories

2017/12/05 16:20
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Do you remember the last time you played with toys? Today, in an era awash with digital products, it seems just about everybody has a smartphone. This reliance on technological products does not exclude children, who appear to be missing out on the fun of their youth. Fortunately, Taiwan Toy Museum in Banqiao District of New Taipei City has a dazzling selection of vintage toys, giving people the chance to jettison back in time and experience how kids had fun in the good old days. 


The majority of toys in the past allowed kids to interact with people and things in the surrounding environment. Sadly, it seems that the onset of this technological era and a proliferation of digital products has created an atmosphere of detachment and indifference. Through cherishing these toys from the past, hopefully, we can reawaken the culture of warm and intimate human interactions that used to be so much a part of life.


你還記得上次玩玩具是什麼時候嗎? 在這個充斥著3C產品的時代,人手一支智慧型手機,而仰賴科技產品的習慣,就連小孩也不例外,似乎少了童年該有的趣味,而位於板橋的玩具博物館,正是一個群覽各種玩具的好地方,琳瑯滿目的童玩彷彿讓人回到了童年的美好時光。







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