
‘Slide’ generation! – Internet addiction in school students

2017/11/21 14:41
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With a smartphone in our hands, we have information on tap at the swipe of a finger and can exchange text messages with friends 24-7, wherever and whenever, a phenomenon that has triggered an exponential rise in mobile phone dependency. Nowadays, the fact that many kids possess their own phone means they are coming into contact with the online world much earlier, resulting in a year-on-year increase in computer use and addictions to online games.

Students require sufficient sleep in adolescence, but many spend countless late nights indulging in Internet games, which not only damages eyesight but also tends to throw one’s daily routine out of kilter. According to research studies, there are many reasons for Internet addiction including poor interpersonal relationships and boredom in life etc., but poor family functioning is undoubtedly the biggest factor.   

A life of relative boredom with no sense of accomplishment pushes many children to seek fun and escape on the Internet and the failure of parents to put limits on Internet usage can be an invisible catalyst for Internet addiction. In order to keep children from getting too engrossed on the Internet, parents are advised to spend more time with their children and ensure proper supervision over them.  










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