
1. Art Festival of the Blind – helping blind people to realize their dreams

2017/11/21 14:32
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PeoPo推 0

What comes to mind at the mention of occupations for blind people? With countless blind people already achieving outstanding results in the field of art, the 20th Art Festival of the Blind is making it known loud and clear, that in terms of occupations, blind people are in no way limited to massage.


Prior to 1995, there were no opportunities for blind people in Taiwan to release music albums. At the time, not a single music album by a blind person had been released because the only accepted occupation for blind people was massage. Today, there are over one hundred music albums by blind musicians on sale in the market, some of which have even gained recognition after being selected for Golden Melody Awards. This feat and the countless blind musicians who have been recognized for their work is testament to the industriousness and importance of the Art Festival of the Blind.  


Though seen as a vulnerable group, the visually impaired community is being empowered by Taiwan’s Art Festival of the Blind to ensure that equality in music is no longer just a slogan.     


視障藝術季 實現盲人音樂夢










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