2. 100% renewable energy – bringing light to the dark village
Located in Hualien’s Taroko Gorge, Datong Village – which literally means “village of darkness” – is a seemingly silent and forgotten world with no road, water or electricity. Datong is an autonomous tribal village, which keeps alive the traditional tribal culture and provides a space for villagers to commune and coexist with nature. However, because most of the tribal residents are elderly, nightfall brings many dangers and inconveniences. Fortunately, Tainan Community University and a group of volunteers decided to raise money and bring the village into the 21st century by installing solar panels.
Bringing light into Datong Village is a collaborative effort by Datong Villagers and TCU’s Power Generation Action Team. Hooking up a series of solar panels has given a light of hope to villagers, who now have their own independent power supply and can enjoy the convenience the green energy brings to our lives.
百分百再生綠能 為黑色部落點燃光明
台灣花蓮太魯閣大同部落堅守祖先遺留的家園,地處在沒有路、沒有水電,彷若遭人遺忘的沉默世界裡,以自治部落的形式,一面保存原民的文化;一面與自然對話,與森林共存,但畢竟黑暗的夜晚,對大多數都是老人家的部落居民造成生活的危險和不便 台南社區大學和一群志工 ,決定募資為文明世界裡的黑暗部落送去綠電。
為黑暗部落點燈,是由大同部落和台南社大台灣公民自主發電行動團隊聯手,為部落搭起一塊一塊的太陽能板,點起一盞一盞的希望光火,讓他們能有能源自主的權力 ,享受綠能為生活帶來的便利 。