
Accompanying an aging society with love

2017/08/29 17:05
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On the morning of August 22, the Zhongpu branch of Huashan Social Welfare Foundation hosted a Thanksgiving tea party at Chiayi County’s Hemu Village Elderly Association, to which the elderly and kids were invited for a day of fun together. The foundation hopes that such loving activities can continue into the future and wishes to extend its gratitude to friends and volunteers for their hard work over the years. 

Activities included a short opening prelude by teacher Lai Xiu-Que (賴秀切), who performed Shulaibao, also known as Clever Tongue, a traditional folk art familiar to the elderly participants. This was followed by a dance performance by Mingren Kindergarten, which really helped to enliven the atmosphere at the venue. The children’s traditional tea offering brought tears to the eyes of many elderly participants, who have had little news of their sons over the years; many indicated that they hadn’t felt so happy for countless years. 

For elderly people, just having someone to accompany them for a walk outside of the house is a very joyful thing, providing great comfort to a lonely heart. Huashan Social Welfare Foundation has established branches in villages throughout the Taiwan, providing care to elderly people who are vulnerable and living alone. The foundation ensures that volunteers visit the homes of the elderly, listen to their heartfelt wishes and assist them with their needs; sometimes just a simple greeting or small action can provide the greatest of comfort to an elderly person.


Accompanying an aging society with love










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