Breaking down negative labels on craniofacial disorders
Recently, Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation (財團法人羅慧夫顱顏基金會) held an exhibition called “Don’t Tag Me” at Songshan Cultural & Creative Park. The aim was to highlight negative tags often attached to people suffering from congenital defects such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and microtia (small ear disease). Due to a lack of public awareness, sufferers of such craniofacial disorders are not understood or respected and often perceived with a degree of strangeness by members of the public. In order to raise more awareness about the issue, event organizers invited people to take part in a free virtual reality experience aimed at providing a better understanding of the life of those with craniofacial disorder. As part of the event, organizers also used a novel form of nail art, where wool was tied onto the nails to form monsters, ugly ducklings, and other negative labels; event volunteers then invited people to cut the wool using scissors, symbolically severing such negative labels that are all too common in society.
Breaking down negative labels on craniofacial disorders
撕去負面標籤 顱顏患者吐心聲
財團法人羅慧夫顱顏基金會在松山文創園區內舉辦了一場Don't Tag Me不貼負面標籤展覽,免費邀請民眾參觀體驗。顱顏病症是一種先天性缺陷,例如唇顎裂、小耳症等,在不被理解且未獲得尊重的情況下,顱顏患者常受到社會大眾的異樣眼光,為了讓參觀民眾更加身歷其境,主辦單位設置了VR虛擬實境,讓民眾對顱顏患者的處境更有感。主辦單位也設置了一面釘牆,他們將毛線綑在釘子上,連線形成怪物、醜小鴨等負面標籤字樣,現場志工邀請民眾用剪刀將毛線剪斷,象徵負面標籤的撕除。