
A different kind of kite – Wheelchairs soaring against the wind

2017/08/18 10:21
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Flying kites is not only a great deal of fun but also great exercise. This is especially true for those with spinal injuries, who can use the recreational sport as a wonderful form of rehabilitation. Moving one's body in harmony with the kite, the body and muscles stretch together, helping to exercise both the hands and body. What’s more, spinal injury sufferers can use kite flying to gain inspiration with the feeling of soaring up in the sky. On top of all this, it is a great way to cultivate parent-child relationships and build family harmony.
Seeing their kite flying in the air, those confined to a wheelchair get a real sense of accomplishment. With practice, one tug of the string and the kite dives downwards and then soars directly up again, and one can eventually try flying low and landing, though these are tough maneuvers to pull off. Kite flying provides great exercise for everyone, especially for those with spinal injuries. But perhaps more important than the physical aspect is the uplifting effect it has on the spirit. To see the whole sky filled with kites seems to clear away inner clouds, leaving our own inner sky once again boundless and bright.

A different kind of kite – Wheelchairs soaring against the wind


不一樣的風箏 用輪子來逆風翱翔





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