
Yizhong Street provides cultural storehouse of Yang Kui’s literary landscape

2017/08/09 09:31
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From 18 - 20 July, Yang Kui Culture & Education Association held an event sponsored by the Ministry of Culture to rekindle the literature of Yang Kui. The workshop, Thinking in the Humanities vs. Landscape Room, has now finished; however, in regards to the booming business district of Yizhong Street, few people are familiar with the fact that it was home to Yang Kui in the postwar period, as well as the place he farmed and put his ideas into practice. It is also the historical location where Yang Kui was arrested twice during the postwar period. 

The workshop included a rich selection of teachers, providing a full understanding of Yang Kui’s life. This included Yang Kui’s second son Yang Jian’s (楊建) personal account of growing up and Yang Kui’s granddaughter, Yang Cui (楊翠), who led the twenty-two participating students on a tour around the vicinity and to three particular spots with a special connection to Yang Kui. The workshop hoped to facilitate a better understanding of the land through Yang Kui's literary philosophy and social practice.

Yizhong Street provides cultural storehouse of Yang Kui’s literary landscape 



一中商圈的人文內蘊 楊逵文史地景走讀






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