
U Stone: A day of moving Ketagalan Boulevard stones.

2017/08/01 10:43
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On a scorching summer’s day, a group of people agrees to congregate at Treasure Village in Taipei Artist Village near Gongguan for the common purpose of using YouBike to move rocks back outside exit 1 of National Taiwan University Hospital MRT Station. These beautifully painted stones were originally an art installation at the indigenous land rights demonstrations on Ketagalan Boulevard, which were forcibly removed by police in May of this year. Currently, roughly 80% of the stones have been recovered and been temporarily put on display at Treasure Village, before being returned home in a statement of the expectations and hopes of tribal communities. 

Event organizer, Huang Lin-qun (黃琳群), is a Hakka woman from Chungli in Taoyuan. She hopes that using the stones, which have played a central role in this fight since the very beginning, is a healthier, more relaxed method that reduces the threshold for understanding the issue of traditional land rights. Though participants in this event are markedly different in age, occupation, and status, they all share the common determination to return the stones home come rain or shine. In fact, there has been a group of people conducting a sleep-in protest against guidelines on the delineation of traditional Indigenous territories for more than 150 days at Ketagalan Boulevard; in spite of this, many people are still unaware of the issue. This latest event hopes to bring more awareness to the issue of transitional justice, and jointly face Taiwan’s historical memory.

U Stone: A day of moving Ketagalan Boulevard stones. 



U Stone 海嘯回家:搬運凱道石頭的一日






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