
Studying Yonghe – Meeting Yang San-lang

2017/07/12 17:03
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The district of Yonghe in New Taipei City has an area of 5.71 square kilometers, the smallest district in Taiwan but with the highest population density. The area is not only a well-known immigrant settlement but also the birthplace of two illustrious individuals of the same name, Yang San-lang (楊三郎); one a well-known painter and one a traditional Taiwanese folk musician.

On June 25, 2017, Yonghe Community University formulated a plan of 12 strategic cultural points in the local community starting from Yang San Lang Art Museum on Boai Road, acquainting local residents, including many parents and children, with important figures of the community. Director of Yonghe Community University Zhang Su-zhen (張素真), said that Yonghe is known as a “bedroom city”, meaning that the majority of residents commute to work and only use their homes for sleeping. This means that the many Yonghe’s residents are largely unfamiliar with the city and its history, and so the community university decided to establish a team of volunteers to conduct guided tours of the area, hopefully arousing the interest of local people in their own community. 

Teacher Chu Ying-ying (褚縈瑩), the guide at this particular study tour event, said the main purpose of such tours is to bring alive the courageous and industrious spirit of people from all walks of society who quietly go about their calling in life. Using the famed Yang San-lang artist and musician as the main axis, the tours are familiarizing the residents of Yonghe with the cultural gems of their home district. 

Studying Yonghe – Meeting Yang San-lang



走讀永和 遇見楊三郎








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