
Young man walks through the shadow of death to live his culinary dream

2017/07/12 16:48
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PeoPo推 1

In June 2015, the Formosa Fun Coast explosion destroyed the immediate dreams of Zhang Cheng-qi (張承騏) and snatched away his best friend, ending their cherished plan to open a business together. Zhang Cheng-qi was just twenty years old at the time of the accident and since then has undergone many operations, including attempts to clean wounds and graft skin. Fortunately, by embracing optimism and passion, Zhang Cheng-qi has overcome his injuries and together with his mother even realized his culinary dream of opening a restaurant. 

On graduation from Kai Ping Culinary School, Zhang Cheng-qi had originally planned to open a panna cotta shop with his college friend following military service but everything changed after the accidental death of his friend and Zhang Cheng-qi's accident. Following the accident, Zhang Cheng-qi’s mother chose to quit her high-paying job and throw herself wholeheartedly into her son’s rehabilitation. Together, they put together a plan for a restaurant, and officially opened it last February. While remaining optimistic about the challenges of life, Zhang Cheng-qi has never given up on his ultimate dream of studying abroad as a chef and in the future hopes to travel to France in pursuit of this endeavor.

Young man walks through the shadow of death to live his culinary dream  



樂觀走過八仙塵暴 大男孩堅持料理夢





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