
“Travel Zhudong Step-by-Step” - a stroll in the quaint town of Zhudong

2017/07/05 14:18
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"Many friends travel to Zhudong but are unfamiliar with fun things to do around the town,” says Peng Ya-fang (彭雅芳), an art teacher at Hsinchu’s Chudong Junior High School. To address this situation, students in Peng Ya-fang‘s art class put together an illustrative map of famous places of interest in Zhudong for distribution. When the students discovered that the one thousand copies of the map they distributed had been rapidly snapped up, they began to ponder if they could do anything else to augment the maps and “Travel Zhudong Step-by-Step” was born. 

Peng Ya-fang stressed that “Travel Zhudong Step-by-Step” is not merely a school magazine, but attempts to step beyond the school and break through traditional frameworks. In addition to introducing Zhudong to outsiders, students also get to know their own hometown through the process of producing the magazine, and this, in turn, facilitates the opportunity for deepening connections between older and youngster students, who are equipped with more common experiences to talk about during the winter and summer vacations.

Released in October each year, the first issue of “Travel Zhudong Step-by-Step” was published in 2014. The students are currently preparing this year’s issue and will use the summer and winter vacations to study different courses that are mainly outside the scope of the standard education system. Following this, students will discuss the theme, articles, photographs, and illustrations for this year’s issue and carry out a comprehensive study of Zhudong, promoting the wonders of Zhudong as they go.

“Travel Zhudong Step-by-Step” - a stroll in the quaint town of Zhudong



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