
Volunteers at daycare center display great vitality

2017/07/05 14:14
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PeoPo推 1

The opening of a citizen journalism class at Touwu Digital Opportunity Center (頭屋數位機會中心) was aimed at empowering local residents to pick up the video camera and start recording and making news reports about stories in their own community. With many local people having already joined the growing ranks of citizen journalists to record the community’s combination of daycare and home services for the elderly, as well as the care provided for the ageing local population at Xiangshan Park Residential Care Home, it is clear that the citizen journalism class has been a roaring success.  

At the daycare center, there is usually a group of young-spirited senior citizens from the community providing voluntary service that includes working on the vegetable garden, tidying up the flower garden and taking care of recycling. Everyone lends a helping hand around the center and jointly partakes in the more relaxing activities too, such as doing exercise and singing karaoke etc. Tu Qing-peng (涂慶榜) is one of many care attendants at Xiangshan Park Residential Care Home. He stressed that in the hope of ensuring elderly residents are happy and healthy in their twilight years, he cares for them just as though he were caring for a member of his own family.

Volunteers at daycare center display great vitality









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