
Laughter, health, and youthfulness through dance

2017/06/21 10:56
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For many senior citizens, standing on stage is something that most of them have never experienced. In view of the loneliness and lack of opportunity to get out that many elderly people living alone experience, Huashan Social Welfare Foundation works hard to organize a variety of activities that provide opportunities for the elderly to get out of the house and participate in society. On June 14, Chiayi City’s Feiling Dance Hall hosted “Dancing to Youth,” inviting senior citizens living alone in Chiayi to participate in a very special Dragon Boat Festival activity. Activities began with Feiling teacher, Mai Guo-zhen (買國禎) and a number coaches putting on a wonderful dance performance full of artistic grace and flair. This was followed by a jitterbug activity where groups of elderly participants strutted their stuff, displaying an array of dance moves they had learned during the day; amongst these was Mr. Qian from Taibao City, who brought the house down with his incredible display of the splits. Huashan Social Welfare Foundation hopes that its daycare services and selection of activities provide real care and uplift the spirits of elderly people living alone in the community.

Laughter, health, and youthfulness through dance 








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