
PeoPo Your Shoot Visits Exemplary Houpi Community Regeneration Project

2017/06/07 11:44
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PeoPo Your Shoot Visits Exemplary Houpi Community Regeneration Project

Over the last ten years, many people have thrown themselves into the work of community regeneration. Through finding distinguishing local characteristics and building community cohesion, people have succeeded in revamping their local community image. Houpi Community Development Association Secretary-General, Zhang Yong-de (張永德), and a professor from NTU Graduate Institute of Building and Planning managed to enlist the whole of Yilan’s Houpi Community into the regeneration program. Together, they have helped to straighten up an old house for use as a dining hall for the elderly, created an eco-pond, and organized a plethora of activities that encourage elderly locals to get out of the house and participate in the community; on top of this, locals have even put together a baseball team called “Tudou,” and traveled to Japan to compete. 

Although Houpi Community has not been involved in regeneration for a long time, it has already experienced a great deal of success and drawn countless individuals to come and learn from this exemplary model of community regeneration. PeoPo's Your Shoot event attracted over forty citizen journalists into Houpi, where they used the lens to capture many fascinating local stories and the community’s key to success. 



PeoPo踹拍 記錄後埤社造典範


社區營造是許多地方這十多年來,積極投入的工作,不少地方希望透過找出特色 凝聚團結,打造出不同的社區意象。宜蘭縣壯圍鄉後埤社區,在台大城鄉所教授與後埤社區發展協會總幹事張永德的帶領與投入下,整個社區的居民一起投入社區營造,整理閒置老屋成為老人食堂、打造生態池,還有各種課程鼓勵長輩走出家門參與活動,並組成一支「土豆棒球隊」,曾經到日本參加比賽。




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