
2017 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Symposium (Session three)-Community, Campus, NPOs and Citizen Journalism

2017/05/24 14:52
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2017 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Symposium (Session three)

Community, Campus, NPOs and Citizen Journalism

Since its establishment over ten years ago, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform has not only encouraged citizens to report local news but also encouraged communities and campuses, as well as NGOs and NPOs from various fields, to participate in citizen journalism. To this end, PeoPo has founded campus news centers, assisted community colleges provide citizen journalism courses, and visited NGOs to teach the skills of citizen journalist reporting. At the 2017 Citizen Journalism Symposium, the third session focused on citizen journalism in relation to communities, campuses, and NGOs, inviting a panel of speakers with practical experience in citizen journalism to share their suggestions and the fruit of working in the field of civic news. 

PeoPo has a mission to continue to expand the influence of citizen journalism, attract the participation of even more people, and ensure the continued emergence of citizen power. After ten years working diligently in the field, PeoPo citizen journalism has indeed influenced the views of countless people towards the news and also provided an opportunity for ordinary people to share stories from communities across the country. However, we aspire to attract even more organizations to participate in citizen journalism, using the lens to share touching stories that matter.  

2017 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Symposium (Session three)-Community, Campus, NPOs and Citizen Journalism





PeoPo公民新聞平台成立十年以來,不只鼓勵民眾用個人身分報導公民新聞,也鼓勵社區大學以及各大專院校,還有不同領域的NGO NPO參與公民新聞,因此PeoPo成立了校園採訪中心,協助社大開設公民新聞課程,到各NGO教導報導公民新聞的訣竅,而2017PeoPo公民新聞研討會,第三個場次以社區、學校、非營利組織與公民新聞做為主題,邀請實際參與公民新聞的與談人,分享他們在公民新聞領域耕耘的收穫與建議。





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