
Funny Recorder Duet – Rekindling the passion of teachers and students for the recorder

2017/05/16 15:31
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On May 3, “Funny Recorder Duet”, formed by Taiwan Recorder Association founder Guo Kun-zhao and retired elementary school teacher Lin Qi-wen (林啟文), performed at Haiduan’s Chulai Elementary School. The one-hour duet performance, which included Renaissance, Baroque, current pop, and cartoon music, provided the audience of teachers and students with a pleasant afternoon of fun and musical knowledge, stimulating both the intellect and emotions. 
At the musical performance, Guo Kun-zhao and Lin Qi-wen introduced the origin of the recorder and other members of the recorder family, as well as presenting these students in remote areas to some rarely seen instruments like the Flauto Rondo and Great Bass, demonstrating the range and tone of these fascinating instruments. On top of all this, Lin Qi-wen revealed has masterly skills by playing two flutes at once, leaving students and teachers frozen with awe and wonder. When just before finishing the performance Lin Qi-wen asked the students to raise their hand if they would like to learn to play the recorder, the majority all enthusiastically raised their hands. It was clear that this teaching performance had planted the seed of learning the recorder into the minds of these children from the Bunun tribe. 

Funny Recorder Duet – Rekindling the passion of teachers and students for the recorder



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