
Yuandou Junior High engages in 116km alternative education program for…

2017/05/11 13:34
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The eco-spirit of Haidian Elementary School (Little Taijiang) in protecting Taiwan’s waterways and cicadas, as well as the wealth of experience they have gained along the way, has been commended by the teachers and students of Yuandou Junior High in Changhua. The school principal, Wang Xin-yi (王心怡), led a group of over fifty  teachers and students down to Haidian Elementary School, where they visited the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path and exchanged ideas with a group of over forty Little Taijiang teachers and students. Little Taijiang students put on a special eco performance about Taiwan’s indigenous cicada and guided Yuandou Junior High students on a cleanup operation of the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path, where they also engaged in practical water-testing activities and shared practical experience on both protecting local waterways and on their proposed national waterway route in Taiwan.

President of Yuandou Junior High, Wang Xin-yi (王心怡), said that it was truly touching to witness the civic action of Little Taijiang in protecting local waterways and Taiwan’s indigenous cicada. She added that the school’s self-produced drama, “SOS for Taiwan’s Cicada”, showed incredible motivation, and was a great achievement. After observing all the wonderful work of Little Taijiang in protecting their homeland and its waterways, the students and teachers of Yuandou Junior High provided their wholehearted support for the idea of a national waterway route and discussed ways in which they could protect Cizi Irrigation Channel, their local waterway. 

Yuandou Junior High engages in 116km alternative education program for…








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