
Students experience animal protection work

2017/05/08 12:11
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A teacher at Nanya Institute of Technology in Taoyuan’s Zhongli District, Zhou Pei-fang hoped that students attending the school could get some hands-on practical experience serving at non-profit organizations. She was also strongly influenced by the tragic death of the young veterinarian director at Taoyuan City Animal Protection Education Park, Chien Chih-cheng (簡稚澄), who is believed to have killed herself last year to protest over the miserable state of Taiwan’s animal shelters. This year, with the hope of making some difference to the life of stray animals, Zhou Pei-fang began taking students on visits to the animal shelter. 

Pei-fang said that almost every student coming for the first time asks the same question: “Do the dogs bite?” But she has been to the hostel many times and never yet encountered any dog-biting incident. What’s more, shelter director Mr. Liu teaches visitors how to understand dog behavior. On top of this, Pei-fang mentioned that some students say they never want to come again at the very moment they step in, but when the day is over say they’d love to come a second time. This observation has made Pei-fang realize that hands-on practical experience interacting with dogs really helps people better understand them. We shouldn’t assume dogs are aggressive and misunderstand them because of a few sensationalist media reports.

Students experience animal protection work 








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