
Kids help society through painting

2017/03/02 16:40
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Some years ago, teacher Chen Zhen-jun (陳貞君), who is head of an art studio in Hualien, came up with the great idea of raising money for charity through publishing a calendar. Her idea gained the enthusiastic support of students and parents and, in that first year, the then dozen or so children participating in the project raised NT$10,000 for Hualien’s Mennonite Christian Hospital. The money was used for the care of elderly patients and the relationship they built with the hospital has continued to this day. 

At the time, teacher Chen never imagined the project would continue so long. Today, she looks back with extreme gratitude for all the support received from kindhearted companies and people, which has ensured the survival of the project. Selling the calendars to raise money for charity has made the project extremely meaningful for countless parents and children, who see it as a practical way to do something positive for society. Today, teacher Chen Zhen-jun and her students continue to quietly go about helping society through art. At the beginning of this year, NT$106,000 raised from last year’s calendar sales was kindly donated to help elderly people living in eastern Taiwan. 

Kids help society through painting 









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