
One-day service volunteers participate in dog-shelter experience

2017/02/15 10:42
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Thirty employees from Yiri Living (伊日美學生活) were the first group to take part in Taiwan Animal Equality Association’s (TAEA) recently launched ‘One-Day Volunteer Service Program (一日志工服務方案)’. Before actually visiting the dog shelter for their day of voluntary service, Lin Yi-shan (林憶珊), Director-general of Taiwan Animal Equality Association, provided the thirty Yiri Living employees with background information on the current situation of volunteers and stray dogs at the shelter. Many of the one-day volunteers found the experience deeply touching and thought-provoking, and the logic of advocating adoption instead of buying in order to try and reduce the incidence of stray animals was clear to all.

Coco, the shelter owner, was extremely grateful to the volunteers for sacrificing their time to come and tidy up the area, clean out drains and trim dangerous overhanging branches – the volunteers were also genuinely eager to provide some real help. After the overwhelming success of the day, Taiwan Animal Equality Association intends to continue raising similar events to get more people involved as volunteers. Hopefully, such understanding and practical experiences can help ameliorate the problem of stray animals.

One-day service volunteers participate in dog-shelter experience



一日志工服務 愛媽狗園體驗






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