
The art of weaving bamboo lanterns – Passing on Dake’s unique cultural heritage

2017/01/25 18:06
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A century ago, Dake Community in New Taipei City’s Taishan District produced a rich abundance of bamboo. After cutting bamboo on the mountain, local people would process it at home and weave it into lanterns, which were used to decorate the temple and considered an offering to the Earth God. Through time, the skill of weaving bamboo lanterns became the traditional character of Dake Community. In 2004, while gathering firewood on the mountain, father of township mayor Li Guo-shu (李國書) suddenly felt a surge of inspiration on seeing the bamboo. He reminisced about the traditional skill of bamboo lanterns in the area and decided to encourage the then director of Dake Community Development Association Cai Ji-fu (蔡基甫), to help revive the skill of weaving bamboo lanterns.

Through the efforts of the community director and the mutual encouragement of enthusiastic residents, the community began to revive its traditional name –“the home of lanterns”. As the community became more and more successful in reviving bamboo lanterns, the residents felt that the traditional lanterns could do with some change and development. With this in mind, residents searched the Internet and found contemporary bamboo weaving teacher Xu Hun-sheng (徐昬盛), who taught them newfangled weaving skills like retractable “umbrella lanterns” and highly functional items like bamboo baskets and purses. Since 2012, the community has been producing bamboo work for sale.

Residents and volunteers from the community have taught weaving to countless schools and colleges in the nearby area, such as Mingzhi Elementary School. The revival of Dake’s traditional bamboo weaving skills has helped reinvigorate the community, building new and stronger relationships between residents. Thankfully, the unique and outstanding bamboo handicraft of local residents seems set to continue flowing unceasingly long into the future.

The art of weaving bamboo lanterns – Passing on Dake’s unique cultural heritage



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