
Hand-laid trails - the first step in protecting our forests

2016/11/30 17:01
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PeoPo推 0

Currently, the biggest problem on Taiwan's forest trails is the overuse of man-made facilities and concrete paving. Due to the imperviousness of cement paving, trails using this material not only have the dangerous drawback of being slippery but also have an adverse impact on the environment. In order to protect mountain ecology, Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association (千里步道協會) and Taiwan Wensun Community College (台中市文山社區大學) have jointly organized “Taichung Trail Study”, a course that not only teaches the theoretical knowledge behind natural trail building, but also allows students to put the knowledge into practice through hands-on trail building. Using their newly-acquired natural building techniques and cobblestones unique to the local area of Mt. DaDu, trainees work in pairs to merge the mountain trails naturally into the local environment.

Mountain trails are a bridge that helps connect people to nature. Once people have experienced the process of laying a natural mountain trail by hand they tend to reflect on the mountain and discover it is brimming with life. It is hoped that his practice will allow the people of Taichung to experience the connection between nature and our ancestors, and tap into the beauty of Taiwan’s natural ecology and culture.

Hand-laid trails - the first step in protecting our forests 









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