
Elementary school highlights inequality of educational resources in rural communities

2016/11/30 16:53
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PeoPo推 1

Located on the mountain road leading to Pingxi Township in New Taipei City, the two-story building of Yongding Elementary School is home to less than 60 students and faces a serious lack of resources. Inconvenient transport access and limited funds have resulted in a major shortage of teachers so that children who are prepared to study have no one to help them with their schoolwork.
Established under guidance from the Institute for Information Industry(資策會), the Digital Research and Education Institute(數位研究教育所) uses the latest live technology to overcome barriers to learning for rural schools and has set up a coalition of small schools that hope to reduce the educational inequality between rural and metropolitan areas. Although educators have gradually entered into rural areas, the fact that there is still a huge gap between urban and rural education and a lack of teachers to accompany children during learning is an important issue deserving of greater government focus. It is clear that there is still a long way to go until the educational standards of rural schools are raised to a satisfactory level.

Elementary school highlights inequality of educational resources in rural communities



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