Meeting the white angel
From a population of just over 20 million people in Taiwan, 2000 suffer from albinism – less than one in 20, 000. Albinism, a congenital metabolism disorder of the melanin production process, is a single gene defect in which the parents of sufferers are usually not albino. The lack of melanin means that those suffering from albinism are susceptible to sunburn and as a result are known as ‘children of the moon’.
Currently, albinism is recognized by the Foundation for Rare Diseases, but it has still not been recognized as a rare disease by the Department of Health. The government even categorizes albinism as a visual impairment and therefore sufferers cannot enjoy the corresponding benefits. Albino sufferer Peter works as an animator for a television station, proving that although albino sufferers differ in appearance from others, in reality, they are no different. Hopefully, through a better understanding of albinism in the outside world albinos will be treated with fairness and non-discrimination in society.
Meeting the white angel