長榮大學2016書香採購季 師生齊聚政大書城
[記者:隨走隨拍台南人 / 台南報導]
陳老師還表示,透過QR code下載學校圖書館APP讓同學方便找書外,在現場的同學只要掃過書籍條碼,便能得知校方是否已有館藏,避免重複購買,如果館藏沒有向現場的採購老師登錄書籍即可。同學假設在其他的書店有看到想看的書,也能透過APP向學校推薦。
(長榮大學圖書館採編組 蔡佳容組長(左)與陳應強老師(右)將師生選購書籍登錄)
This afternoon, students and teachers from Chang Jung Christian University(CJCU) chose books from 3 p.m to 9 p.m. at Cheng Da Bookstore branch in Tainan. Ying-Chiang Chen who worked at the purchasing department in CJCU's library said that E-books & the Internet are very convenient now, there are fewer and fewer students read paper books. This is the second year that students choose books what they want to read. In the past, most books were recommended by teachers or the school. According to students' reading habit, the school may change the way when buying books. Chen added that they can get the books what they chose today to read in priority at school before winter vacation next year. Such activities may be held annually. He hoped that more and more students could give advice to the school library as much as they could, and more and more students could read paper books.
政大書城台南店臉書粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/zdbook/
長榮大學圖書館官網: http://eservice.lib.cjcu.edu.tw/site/