
Workplace injury amputee builds prosthetic limb to help himself and others

2016/11/08 17:09
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Zhang Xian-liang (張憲良) is a 3D prosthetic limb designer and user. Just over two years ago he was involved in an unfortunate accident while operating machinery at work, in which his right hand became trapped and severed. His sympathy and understanding for the economic difficulties that amputees face inspired him to develop a cheap and effective way of creating prosthetic limbs. In order not to worry his family, Zhang Xian-liang stumped up the money to learn how to use a computer and gain professional certification, before throwing himself heart and soul into developing prosthetic limbs. The process of developing a custom prosthetic limb requires not only skills in computer-aided design but also technology-oriented skills.

Through the Internet, Zhang Xian-liang found partners with expert skills in computer programming and by means of 3D printing technology has significantly reduced the cost of prosthetic limb production. On a technical level, Zhang Xian-liang has received help from many like-minded friends allow the way and aspires to meet the needs of amputees through using ergonomic design and improving prosthetic limbs. In the future, he will also design prosthetic fingers tailored to the needs of people with finger damage. Many people see him as a Taiwan’s version of ‘Ironman’, and in fact for amputees even to lift a bowl is a great feat. Zhang Xian-liang’s indomitable spirit is benefitting many people who are in the same or similar predicament as him.

Workplace injury amputee builds prosthetic limb to help himself and others



工殤截肢逆境築夢 開源義肢助己助人






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