
After the storm: The rebirth of Minxiong Animal Refuge

2016/11/02 13:49
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In April, a large number of stray dogs died in a shocking incident that occurred at Chiayi County’s Minxiong Animal Refuge. A shortage of human resources, poor environmental hygiene and inadequate equipment at the refuge combined to cause this sad incident. Over the last six months, the new supervisor and staff at the refuge have been trying to make positive changes by improving hygiene and establishing a set of epidemic prevention procedures aimed at increasing the chance of adoption for the resident stray dogs. The refuge has also begun making dog cards, which provide visitors with some background information on each dog. At the same time, outside donations from the public have begun to arrive at the refuge and an application has been made to the government for a site expansion that would help to create a more comfortable living environment.

After the storm: The rebirth of Minxiong Animal Refuge  



風雨過後 民雄收容所的重生





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