
Dignified bathing

2016/10/18 11:21
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For carers and family members of a bedridden individual, bathing is an incredibly perplexing activity. Factors such as limited space, a lack of equipment, and insufficient physical strength, force many families to employ bed baths as the only means of cleaning elderly family members or those with physical and mental disabilities. However, the results of bed baths are limited and using them over extended periods of time causes the body to emit an unsavory odor, increases the risk of skin problems and causes a loss of dignity to the recipient.  

In September 2014, with the help of financial assistance from Tsz Yang Foundation (慈揚基金會), Miyoshi Social Welfare Foundation (美善社會福利基金會) purchased bathtubs and bathing equipment from Japan and began to provide a home bathing service for the bedridden and disabled. Before bathing, a nurse measures the blood pressure and body temperature of elderly patients to confirm their physical condition. While bathing, close attention is also paid to the physical condition of patients to ensure a comfortable and relaxed bathing experience that often brings a joyful smile to the face of recipients. After bathing, the staff wash and sterilize the bathtub and other equipment in preparation for the next patient.


Dignified bathing









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