Pingtung opens Qijia Songhe Garden, the county’s first elderly day-care center
Located in an area mainly populated by indigenous people, Qijia Songhe Garden (七佳松鶴園) is Pingtung’s first day-care center for the elderly. Inaugurated on the 13th of September, 2016, the center not only provides local senior citizens with a whole range of activities aimed at providing social interaction, entertainment, leisure, personal hygiene, and grooming but also supplies lunch and snacks, thereby reducing the burden and stress on their children who care for them. At the center, a team of professionally trained carers from the community looks after senior citizens during the daytime, allowing them to return home to enjoy the joys of family life with their children and grandchildren in the evening.
Located at the geographic center of the county, Pingtung’s Chunri Township has witnessed a serious population outflow over the years. With the remaining elderly population scattered in villages around the county and additional difficulties caused by the mountainous terrain, the elderly population faces a joint dilemma of insufficient resources. A combination of government policy and the enthusiastic support and promotion of people in the community have helped implement a series of services and events tailored to the needs of senior citizens; one such service is Qijia Songhe Garden day-care center, which has greatly helped to expand care throughout the township. Though the center has not yet overcome transport difficulties, it is currently in the process of raising funds through the township office to provide a care bus to shuttle villagers to and from the day-care center, thereby allowing many more elderly people to benefit from the center’s top-notch services.
Pingtung opens Qijia Songhe Garden, the county’s first elderly day-care center
春日鄉位處屏東縣地理位置中線,人口外移之餘,各村落老年人口不似都市地區集中,再加上山區地形所帶來的交通困境,都成為在地老年人口銜接相關資源的困境。 在縣府政策及地方人士的支持與推動下,在地社區紛紛興起辦理銀髮相關服務項目,其中七佳社區照顧關懷據點擴大服務格局,設置全鄉日托中心。至今仍待克服的交通困境,也正由鄉公所籌募「關懷巴士」中,預計接送鄉民至日托中心,讓更多老年人口能使用服務。