
Guardians of children – the situation of Harmony Home

2016/08/30 14:43
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Harmony Home (關愛之家) was originally established to care for babies suspected of having AIDS and AIDS patients but has recently changed its focus to caring for migrant workers in Taiwan who have accidently fallen pregnant. Senior spokesperson for Harmony Home, Han Guo-qiang (韓國強), said that due to a steady decrease in AIDS sufferers, there are next to zero babies now suffering from AIDS. Nowadays, the women and children’s department of the home mainly cares for babies born to illegal migrant workers. As long as the mothers are still around, Harmony Home looks after the children until they are about two years old and provides assistance to mothers who wish to leave the country with their child. 

Currently, Harmony Home has an adequate supply of general goods and a number of volunteers provide assistance; however, it still lacks manpower on weekdays and funds to cover the cost of medical expenses. Despite all the difficulty involved in the job, Harmony Home remains steadfast in its commitment to care for each and every patient.

Guardians of children – the situation of Harmony Home



孩子們的守護者 關愛之家現況






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