
Stepping out of the classroom into Alian Township - City busses provide the first step in caring for the community!

2016/08/16 14:39
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A group of youngsters stand at the bus stop in front of Alian District Office in Kaohsiung, where conversing with elderly residents in their somewhat less than perfect Taiwanese, they hope to better understand the lives of old people. The activity is part of a program from Kaohsiung Community Vision Empowerment Center (高雄社區願景培力中心) to cultivate a new kind of community spirit. It is hoped that the guidance and experience of the course will not only help youngsters cultivate the skills to research and record information, but also expose them to different viewpoints on their hometown, thereby increasing their likelihood of participating in community service activities.

Through wearing “ageing suits”, which simulate the physical effects associated with ageing, students attempted to understand the obstacles seniors often face in life due to physiological decline. The ageing suits provided students with direct firsthand experience of what life is like when you are unable to straighten your spine, hindered from walking forward, and handicapped with blurred vision. 

Following seniors with a camera, participating teenagers discovered many difficulties that elderly people encounter on buses, such as struggling with overly high steps while entering and leaving busses, or trying to ring the bell to stop the bus when they aren’t tall enough; they also realized that those of advanced years may require the assistance of others to keep their home spick and span.

After discussions and data collation, the information and photographs were pieced together with students’ views and ideas into a small presentation, which was then shared with local residents and the community. It is hoped that bringing together divergent viewpoints and ideas will help unearth new and exciting ways to link up with and create a dialogue with the community. 

Stepping out of the classroom into Alian Township - City busses provide the first step in caring for the community!



離開教室走入阿蓮 從搭公車開始社區關懷







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