
Taimali’s Xianglan Village forgotten by the Hakka Affairs Council

2016/07/25 10:12
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PeoPo推 0

The earliest inhabitants of Taitung’s Taimali Township were the Puyuma and Paiwan people. However, following the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, Han Chinese from Hsinchu, Miaoli and Pingtung gradually moved into the area, mostly concentrating in the village of Xianglan. Currently, ethnic Hakka account for over 70% of Xianglan, making it an incredibly unique Hakka village in eastern Taiwan.

Recently, Typhoon Nepartak wrought destruction on the village, inflicting damage to 90% of houses, most of which are no longer habitable. The sugar-apple crop, which is the main source of livelihood in the area, was devastated by the typhoon and will need to be completely replanted. It is estimated that it will take five years for farmers to restore their previous level of income from newly planted crops. Although a number of charitable organizations have come to provide villagers with assistance, no one from the central government has come to express any concern. In particular, the Hakka Affairs Council, which is responsible for all affairs in Hakka communities, appears to have entirely forgotten the people of Xianglan, who continue to wait for help to come. 

Taimali’s Xianglan Village forgotten by the Hakka Affairs Council 









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