
Fostering the spirit of gratitude and sharing in children – Wujie Junior High School provides hot meals to the elderly

2016/07/18 10:14
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PeoPo推 0

Two years ago, Yilan County’s Wujie Junior High School began collaborating with the local community to provide hot meals to elderly residents in the area. The service was the idea of two students, who began using their free time before lunch to prepare meals and deliver them on foot to local seniors. 

The kids said that although blisteringly hot temperatures and rainy days make the process of delivering meals a struggle sometimes–when they must endure the uncomfortableness of a fierce sun or soaking wet feet from heavy rain–the joy of seeing elderly people enjoying a hot lunch makes all their toil pale into insignificance. The lunch service not only ensures that elderly villagers feel some heartfelt warmth during their day but also fosters the spirit of gratitude and sharing in students, in what can only be described as a first-rate example of moral education.

Fostering the spirit of gratitude and sharing in children – Wujie Junior High School provides hot meals to the elderly 








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