
Implement indigenous peoples’ right of free, prior and informed consent

2016/07/18 10:10
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ON June 29, the Shanyuan Palm Beach Resort project passed an environmental impact assessment, causing a flurry of indignation from local residents and East Coast environmental protection groups. On July 6, Citizens of the Earth and indigenous groups from Shanyuan Bay in Taiwan convened a press conference outside of the Executive Yuan, where they demanded that the various government ministries swiftly integrate and suspend the Shanyuan Palm Beach Resort project pending consent from local indigenous communities–a legal requirement for any development on traditional indigenous lands. 

The Executive Yuan’s decision to send out a low-ranking official to accept the protestors’ petition further angered demonstrators, who insisted that they wouldn’t leave until the Minister Without Portfolio Chang Ching-sen(張景森) personally came out to face them. In the end, the Executive Yuan’s Deputy Secretary-General came out to meet the protesters and reiterated that the hotel project would not be approved without the consent of indigenous communities. Finally, indigenous peoples’ representatives submitted a petition demanding that the Executive Yuan upholds the Indigenous Peoples Basic Law, which explicitly states the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples is a prerequisite for undertaking any development projects. 

Implement indigenous peoples’ right of free, prior and informed consent








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