
Promoting rural education - Hope between the mountains and sea

2016/06/14 17:13
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Co-signed in July 2015 by National Chiayi University and Huai En Charity Foundation, ‘Mountain-Ocean Hope Project’ program officially got under way on August 1. During the project’s projected 10-year lifespan, it will receive NTD 1.2 million funding annually from Huai En Charity Foundation. National Chiayi University has currently selected two project partners, the mountainous Li-Ming Elementary School, and Dongshi Elementary School, which is located near the sea. Aromatic herbs have been planted within both elementary schools with the hope of spurring development of an essential oil industry in the local area. With the aim of tapping into the kids’ creative talent, National Chiayi University has not only provided qualified teachers, but also set up after-school tuition classes and exercise classes. Aside from the after-school classes, special English classes have also been opened. Over the next ten years, National Chiayi University and the elementary schools look forward to the injection of further resources, enabling students to imbibe even more knowledge.

Promoting rural education - Hope between the mountains and sea



推動偏鄉教育 希望山海之間





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