
“I still have one leg,” replied amputee Li Zhi-wei!

2016/06/14 17:09
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This year Li Zhi-wei graduated from the Department of Finance at Chang Jung Christian University. After suffering from inexplicable bouts of pain during his senior-high days, Li Zhi-wei was eventually diagnosed with bone cancer. With nerve damage from the bone cancer and deteriorating leg function, the decision was taken to amputate Li Zhi-wei’s right leg from below the pelvis. In spite of the effect on his quality of life and mobility, he continued to pursue a fulfilling life, and during his four years at university obtained seven certificates. Self-motivated and full of gusto, he forged ahead with his studies and achieved the highest grades in the department over the four years – even taking to the stage to accept an award for his intellectual performance. Despite the fact that Li Zhi-wei was thrown into a whirlwind of change while still an adolescent, with one healthy left leg still remaining, he has simply refused to throw in the towel on life.

“I still have one leg,” replied amputee Li Zhi-wei!



右骨盆以下截肢 李致緯:我還有一隻腳





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