
The trees growing hope! 300 young and old join forces to plant trees

2016/05/04 11:35
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Tainan City Mayor William Lai (賴清德) and 300 people recently gathered at Xidingliao Road (溪頂寮大道) for a joint collaboration between Tainan City Government Water Resources Bureau (台南市政府水利局), Xidingliao Baoan Temple (溪頂寮保安宮), Tu Di Temple (福德宮), Haiwei Temple (海尾朝皇宮), Taijiang Cultural Development Association (台江文化促進會) and various other civic groups in the Taijiang area. Four years ago, the group gathered at the very same place to plant a row of chinaberry trees, which are now around 10 feet high. At this recent gathering, the group planted a further row of chinaberry trees parallel to the first row in the hope of creating a green tunnel. 

Little Taijiang students said they hope that the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path (山海圳綠道) will become the land equivalent of Sihcao Mangrove Green River Course (四草湖綠色隧道). It is hoped that future cyclists and walkers will be able to enjoy the beautiful green corridor of chinaberry trees in Taijiang, and not need to travel to other counties to find such wonderful pathways. 

River protection volunteer Mr. Wu said that with problems of river and air pollution, in addition to soil liquefaction caused by the recent 206 earthquake disaster, improving the environment in and around the Taijiang is an essential task for the community. As tree planting can help address the environmental issues facing the area, creating the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path linking Taijiang National Park and the National Museum of Taiwan History, will bring countless benefits to the area. The fact that planting trees to create a greenway will not only link the villages of Taijiang, but also purify the air, encourage residents to exercise, provide ecological leisure attractions and promote local development, makes it a truly eco option for the protection and development of Taijiang.

The trees growing hope! 300 young and old join forces to plant trees










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