
Guarding Dadu Mountain – Vision for a better future

2016/04/27 10:18
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PeoPo推 0

Dadu Moutain lacks water and it is impossible to obtain water through well drilling. Early pioneers were forced to build water reservoirs that had to be cleaned out at periodic intervals. Such cleaning maintenance took place during the autumn-winter dry season, when silt was removed from the bottom of the reservoir to extend its life. The red clay removed from the reservoir was extremely pure, making it an ideal material for adobe bricks. With the announcement that this year Taichung Park will once again make a number of adobe bricks for use in restoration work, a number of activities have been organized under the “Guard Dadu Mountain” banner.

In addition, restoration of the indigenous Rosa cymosa (小果薔薇) and Pyrus taiwanensis (臺灣野梨) will also take place. It is hoped that with tender care, in a few years time Dadu Mountain will come to life with the elegant blossoms of Rosa cymosa and Pyrus taiwanensis, providing Taichung residents with a idyllic location to enjoy the wonderful floral display.

Guarding Dadu Mountain – Vision for a better future



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