Getting close to nature through fervent teacher Xie Ji-huang’s photography classes
A generous donation of money from Xie Ji-huang (謝基煌) and a number of other teachers at Sanxia’s Chengfu Elementary School in New Taipei City has enabled the school to buy professional photography equipment, allowing students to experience a different kind of ecological education. Wonderful pictures of crested serpent eagles, colorful dragonflies, mandarin ducks in the plant pond, and even the rare Formosan blue magpie, are all examples of the students work.
Although students have achieved incredible results and produced countless outstanding pictures, Xie Ji-huang stresses that his focus is on teaching students to care about the environment and have respect for life, not solely on the quality of their photographic work. Earnest and passionate about his teaching work, in order to enhance the student’s scope for creativity, Xie Ji-huang has also introduced many new digital tools. This has allowed students to have fun while they learn, narrowing the distance between them and nature.
Getting close to nature through fervent teacher Xie Ji-huang’s photography classes
熱血教師謝基煌 攝影教學親近環境