
Alumni make nostalgic return to elementary school on verge of closure

2016/03/31 09:49
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PeoPo推 0

Situated in Miaoli County’s Xihu Township, Ruihu Elementary School was established way back in 1966. Around 750 students have graduated from the school since its inception 49 years ago, but sadly, due to the impact of declining birth rates, only 19 students remain at the school today. As a result of such low student numbers, Miaoli County Government’s Education Department has placed the school on an abolition list. With the school’s lights set to go out forever in August, a reunion for ex-students, parents and teachers was organized.

Old uniforms and costumes from past school performances were made availiable, and a professional photographer stood by, ready to snap pictures and help schoolmates relive their joyous former days at Ruihu. Everyone attending the reunion had a sense of sadness and helplessness in knowing that their alma mater was nearing the end of its long history. Parents, teachers, alumni and local residents all hope that following the school’s closure, other types of educational activities will be provided, ensuring that the continuing education needs of the local community are met.  

Alumni make nostalgic return to elementary school on verge of closure 



絕美的優質小學即將裁撤 校友不捨返校憶童年





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