
Medical facilities in Dulan remain poor despite burgeoning tourist industry

2016/03/31 09:47
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PeoPo推 0

With the burgeoning tourist industry of Taitung in recent years, hoards of people have been attracted to the village of Dulan. In terms of catering and entertainment, business is quite simply booming, but medical progress has been painstakingly slow, with only a small clinic to meet the needs of villagers’ health issues. Those requiring urgent medical treatment must either make a 30-minute car journey south to Taitung, or a 45-minute car journey north to the hospital in Chenggong. On top of this, after dialling 119 for an ambulance, it takes at least 10-15 minutes for it to arrive in Dulan from Donghe Fire Station, and then a further 20-30 minutes to the city of Taitung – a challenging test for any patient.

The village of Dulan has a population of 2480 people, with the elderly and infants making up a total of around 800 people, one third of the total village population. In spite of this statistic, medical care in the village has not improved in line with the growth of tourism.

Medical facilities in Dulan remain poor despite burgeoning tourist industry



台東都蘭村觀光盛行 醫療資源負成長





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