
Crowdfunding helps Atayal youth return home to farm the land

2016/03/31 09:23
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Without any prior consultation, Wolisi (幄力斯), Walisi (瓦力司), and Abusi (阿布斯), three young people from Fa Xiang Village in Nanto County, abandoned their work in the city and returned home with a dream of restoring traditional farming techniques; however, their insistence on using only natural farming has been more of a challenge than any of them imagined. With conventional farming concepts already deeply rooted in the hearts of tribal farmers, the three novice farmers were unable to find any good farming land, and were eventually forced to cultivate new fields for their natural farming endeavor.

Thankfully, with the assistance of a friend, Wes Kuo, the young farmers have been raising funds on a crowdfunding website to help them back to mountains. But returning to their home in the mountains is about more than simply restoring traditional farming techniques; more importantly, they want to keep the Atayal culture alive and inspire other indigenous people to return home.

Crowdfunding helps Atayal youth return home to farm the land



群眾募資 助泰雅青年返鄉務農


回到南投發祥村瑞岩部落復育傳統作物的青年,幄力斯、瓦力司、阿布斯,是放棄都市工作的原鄉青年,不約而同返回部落從事農耕。他們堅持在部落用自然農法耕作,但並不容易。慣用農法觀念已經深植在部落的農民心中,也沒有良好的田地可給他們耕作;因此他們只好重新開闢新的自然田。透過友人Wes Kuo的協助,他們在群募網站上募資;希望留在山上。留在山上不只是想復育原鄉的傳統作物,更重要的事;他們是想要保留泰雅的文化,更想要讓更多人願意回家。



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