
Nuan-nuan restaurant opens

2016/02/18 14:18
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In order to provide warm and nutritional lunches to elderly residents living alone in rural communities, Sisters of Our Lady of China Catholic Charity Social Welfare Foundation (天主教中華聖母社會福利基金會) has established Nuan-nuan Restaurant in Chiayi County’s Lucao Township. Providing free meals to economically disadvantaged people over the age of 65 and the physically disabled, the scheme serves up to 160 people at a time.  

Nuan-nuan Restaurent is located in Lucao Township, which has the second highest proportion of elderly people receiving help in the county. There is a serious outflow of young people from the area, and most elderly people live alone or with an elderly partner. Situated adjacent to Tan Village (潭村), the restaurant is a long distance from any markets or Lucao old city center, without a noodle shop or restaurant in sight. For senior citizens living alone and vulnerable children lacking family support, food is a major problem in life.

Of the senior citizens currently using Nuan-nuan Restaurent’s service, the oldest is 96-year-old Grandpa Wu. He usually lives alone and in the past had to prepare all his own meals, sometimes having to make one meal last for several days; today, he is delighted to finally be able to enjoy a stable hot lunch. Another senior citizen is 73-year-old Grandma Wu, who after making her own way to the center for lunch, personally delivers meals to two physically incapacitated elderly ladies, one aged 80, and the other 90 years old.

Nuan-nuan restaurant opens 



暖暖食堂開張 影音


為了讓偏鄉獨居長輩能享有溫熱的營養午餐,天主教中華聖母社會福利募集社會設置「暖暖食堂」,在嘉義縣鹿草鄉正式開幕,經濟弱勢的65 歲以上長輩和弱勢身障者免費用餐,最多可一次供餐約160人份。





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