
Social worker’s personalized calendar design meets the needs of the elderly

2016/01/06 10:21
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PeoPo推 1

As the year draws to a close, we often receive many beautifully printed calendars. For many elderly people, however, the small size of printed letters on such calendars makes them difficult to read. After discussing the situation with her colleagues, medical social worker at Shoufeng Nursing Home(壽豐護理之家), Huang Qian-lan(黃芊嵐), decided to design a calendar that would be more suitable for elderly people.

To this end, she and her colleagues researched traditional calendars and traveled to Japan to learn from the experience of Japanese care institutions. With a focus on the elderly, and using resources at hand, they attempted to produce a reading experience tailored to the needs of the elderly. 
During the design process, Huang Qian-lan met with many elderly people to discuss clear and distinct styles of typeface, font and design that would reduce the burden of reading. Huang Qian-lan added that reminders such as calendars and clocks are a great help in care work, not only assisting the elderly with memory and providing a practical means for strengthening reality orientation, but also helping to deal with problems related to a decline in cognitive capacity and memory loss.

Although Huang Qian-lan’s calendar design has no fancy patterns, it is extremely functional and user-friendly. After considering the needs of elderly people living alone in Hualien and Taitung, the hospital printed a thousand copies at its own expense, which were freely delivered to families in need through the assistance of local township offices.

Community worker’s personalized calendar design meets the needs of the elderly  










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