
Special road restrictions conceal danger

2015/12/29 12:12
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Scooters are an important mode of transport for the residents of Chiayi City. In order to adapt to this phenomenon, the city government specially set out 17 restrictive roads that are unique in Taiwan. A “restrictive road” simply means that cars can only be one-way traffic, and motorcycles and bicycles can be two-way traffic. However, such restrictive roads perhaps enhance the chances of traffic accidents. A few months ago, a city councilor requested that restrictive roads be changed back to one-way roads. The mayor of Chiayi feels that as city residents have been using one-way roads for such a long time, forcing changes will be difficult to implement. As to whether the roads should be changed or not, people also have mixed opinions.

In the face of Chiayi residents’ long-accustomed habits, law enforcement agencies believe that accident rates on restrictive roads are no different from normal roads, and so in recent years have not taken any specific actions against restrictive roads. Though many local people believe that appropriate adjustments should be made according to each route, the government recently indicated it does not intend to change restrictive roads back to one-way roads in the near future.

Special road restrictions conceal danger



獨特限制性道路 危機潛藏之間






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