
Lin Jia-zhen overcomes difficulties to open diner for other visually impaired

2015/12/23 09:21
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At 9 am in a small diner just off Taipei’s Xinyi Road, store manager Lin Jia-zhen (林佳箴) is making preparations to open up for the day. Lin Jia-zhen developed a cataract following a bad fall when she was young. Then, when she was between 18 and 19, the injury took a turn form the worse, developing into optic atrophy, leaving her blind in the left eye and with a visual acuity of only 0.03 in her right eye. 

In spite of this, visual impairment has not been an obstacle to Lin Jia-zhen realizing her own dream. She has been in business for six years, and last year expanded her business to provide work opportunities for other visually impaired people. Having a visual impairment means that in the process of problem solving, Lin Jia-zhen has a great deal more empathy and understanding of just how difficult it is for her employees.

With unflagging perseverance to realize her dream, Lin Jia-zhen has not only ensured her own business success, but also helped other visually impaired people learn how to be brave, face their weaknesses, and remove the perceived barriers of disabilities.

Lin Jia-zhen overcomes difficulties to open diner for other visually impaired 



林佳箴克服弱視 開餐飲店助視障朋友多元發展






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